Our Moderator
Reverend Thessalonia Graham, Sr.
Our Moderator, Reverend Thessalonia Graham is the Pastor of Iron Hill Missionary Baptist Church, located in Tabor City, NC. Born in Loris, SC, Reverend Graham is the seventh of nine children of the late Isabelle Woods Graham and the late Reverend Elbert Graham of Loris, SC. He has been married for 38 years to Reverend Eddrena Lee Graham of Loris. They have two children: Brittany Graham Brooks and Thessalonia Graham, Jr. They are also the proud grandparents of two: Kaiden Wesley Brooks and Korinne Sherry Brooks.
Reverend Graham is a graduate of Benedict College with a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education. Reverend Graham also studied at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC and received hours towards a Masters of Divinity Degree with Religious Education. He also holds a certificate for extensive work in Church Building from the Southern Baptist Education Headquarters, Nashville, TN.
He received his Divine Calling to the Ministry in November 1981, and was licensed to preach by the Mount Rona Missionary Baptist Church the same year. In 1982, the Kingston Lake Association ordained him after being found a worthy candidate by his home church. Reverend Graham is an Associate Minister and member of the Mt. Rona Missionary Baptist Church, Loris, SC where Reverend John M. Nichols is the Pastor.
Reverend Graham served as a Junior Deacon of Mt. Rona, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Advisor to the Junior Church. He further served as a Membership Committee Leader, member of the Usher Board, and Asst. Sunday School Teacher for the Young Adults.
He is a retired educator from the State of North Carolina with 27 years of experience and retired from the State of South Carolina with 17 years experience. In addition, Reverend Graham served four terms as Councilman for the City of Loris from 1999 to 2015. On the City Council he served on the Public Works, Public Safety, and Recreation Committees.
Reverend Graham has pastored the following churches: Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church, Hillsborough, NC; Little Zion Missionary Baptist Church, Youngsville, NC; and Walnut Grove Missionary Baptist Church, Louisburg, NC. He has also pastored Zion Plain Missionary Baptist Church, Nakina, NC; Moores Creek Missionary Baptist Church, Currie, NC; and Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church, Loris, SC. Reverend Graham currently is the pastor of Little Iron Hill Missionary Baptist Church in Tabor City, NC where he has pastored for 6 years. He has over 30 years pastoral experience and 39 years in the ministry.
“Thess”, as many call him, served 2 terms as President of the Kingston Lake Missionary Baptist Association Sunday School Congress of Christian Education. At Kingston Lake, Reverend Graham also served as an Executive Board Member, Missionary, Asst. Executive Director and former Executive Director. He currently serves as a member of the Ministerial Alliance and Action Team of the Kingston Lake Education and Business Center. One recent acquisition while at Kingston Lake Education and Business Center was acquiring a $50,000 Grant from Burroughs and Chapin Foundation to renovate the Association Wing and aid in upgrading the kitchen.
Past Moderator: Rev. Dr. Covia Stanley 2012-2020